Oblong's technology platform brings data sets, workspaces, and communication channels to life across multiple screens. It allows interaction from any number or type of input devices simultaneously, including touch screens, phones, and tablets. And it frees the user from sitting in one place, tied to one device.
The three most important trends in the technology world today are cheaper pixels, evolving device form factors, and increasing amounts of accessible data.
Oblong provides a new generation of computing tools -- a new technology platform -- built around these three trends.
Our core technology platform, called g-speak™, enables applications to be developed that run across multiple screens and multiple devices. Our customers use g-speak to solve big data problems, to collaborate more effectively, and to go from looking at pixels on a single screen to interacting with pixels on *every* screen.
We transform computing from a one person, one screen, one device experience into a fully shared and interactive experience. We're the only company that brings together all your screens and all your devices into a multi-user, multi-device, multi-screen unified environment. We're also the only company to combine data presentation and analytics capabilities with collaboration capabilities, enabling you to turn big data into insight and intelligence.