CollaBoard is a subscription-based, real-time virtual workspace. CollaBoard is optimized for the Surface Hub and devices of the Surface Family, as it uses natural input methods such as inking, touch and voice commands. CollaBoard allows to work with any Windows 10 device in the same virtual canvas in real-time.
CollaBoard has an easy to use, intuitive user interface and is fun to use.
With CollaBoard you can:
-Collaborate with multiple Surface Hubs and Windows 10 devices
-Work in a new, innovative way with your team
-Do virtual meetings
-Do creativity- und innovation-workshops
-Present content in a new way
-Use templates: Business Model Canvas, Value Proposition, Design Thinking, Gamestorming
-…and much more.
• Real-time Collaboration across different devices
• Easy-to-use interface
• Add documents, images, maps, videos and audio recordings
• Search in Bing-Maps, Bing-Images and Youtube videos
• Use digital Sticky Notes
• Take photos and record video and audio directly from the app
• Drag & Drop Files
• Write and add notes with your digital pen
• Use voice commands
• Organize file and inputs in Libraries and Grid Libraries
• Multi-user experience on Surface Hub and Team devices
• Add a background image
• Simple user- and rights management
• Usage of templates