Anti-Crash Rising/Sliding Bollards
Anti-Crash Rising/Sliding Bollards

All of our perimeter security bollards have been crash tested to IWA, ASTM and PAS68 standards, meaning you can depend on our products to help secure your site. We have a range of unique bollards including automatic or manual operation. We also supply static bollards.

The Mantis static bollard series are available in different security levels to suit your site requirements. The security bollards only require a very shallow foundation depth.
Heald’s sleek and stylish Mantis 64 & 80 are a static bollard system which are ideal for sites where a high level of protection is required but where integration with modern architecture is also a priority.

Matador Range
Heald’s award winning sliding bollard system, the Matador is a patent protected security system, crash tested to different IWA standards. The Matador has revolutionised the perimeter security industry and has been recognised by numerous awards for innovation.
The Matador is designed and proven to protect underground utilities during its IWA crash test. During crash testing, not only did the sliding bollard system arrest the test vehicle with a zero penetration rating, it continued to function following the impact with no repairs.

Heald’s Raptor is a patent protected security barrier, crash tested to both PAS68 and ASTM standards. Following crash testing, the Raptor received a zero penetration result and operated after impact.
Heald’s Raptor combines the high security of a roadblocker with the flexibility of a shallow mount bollard. The Raptor is the most resistant bollard of its type on the market due to its unique design and internal reinforcement which other bollards simply don’t have.

Crash Tested Bollard
Our Crash Tested Automatic Bollard is ideal for locations where a more architecturally sensitive security solution is required.
Rising to a height of either 640 mm or 800 mm, our Crash Tested Bollards succeeded in halting a 6.8 tonne truck travelling at 64 kph (40 mph), in the US K8 impact test.

Fixed Matador
Heald’s Fixed Matador is a surface mounted, static bollard system that offers the convenience and security of our Matador sliding bollard systems, but in a simple, static package.
The Fixed Matador has been PAS68 crash tested to halt a 7.5 tonne truck travelling at 48 kph (30 mph) and offers a number of advantages over more traditionally mounted systems.

Sparta 48 & 80
Heald’s Sparta Security Bollards are a static option that offer simple and affordable PAS68 tested security, suitable for a wide range of locations.
Available in two security levels, the Sparta 48 has been crash tested to halt a 7.5 tonne truck travelling at 48 kph (30 mph), while the Sparta 80 halted a 7.5 tonne truck at 80 kph (50 mph).